How to Update Consent Information on eTapestry (CRM)

Let’s say that a constituent has been in touch to opt out of receiving emails from you.

Follow these steps to update a constituent’s consent information in their eTapestry profile:

  1. Log in to your eTapestry account.
  2. In your dashboard, type the constituent’s full name on the search bar at the top-left corner of your screen.
  3. Click on the relevant constituent’s profile to open it.
  4. Go to the “Journal” tab.
  5. “Add” a new journal entry.
  6. Select the category: “Non Transaction” – “Note”.
  7. Once the note editor has opened, double-check the date (amend it by typing it or using the calendar icon).
  8. On the “Note” section, summarise the topic.
  9. Under the “Consent Information” section, click “Email consent”. A dropdown will open: select “Opt-out”.
  10. You’ll see a column on the left called “Tasks”. Click the button under “Save And” and in the dropdown, select “Go to Defined Fields”.
  11. Click “Save And” to open the “Defined Fields” tab.
  12. You can now verify that the consent information has been updated correctly in the constituent’s profile.

You can use these instructions to update consent information as needed.